[PGR_PA_r11] Veterans Day 2019

STATE CAPTAIN pgrpa.sc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 10:30:06 UTC 2019

My Fellow Patriot Gard Riders,
  Today marks the 100th time the United States formally recognizes the
service and sacrifice our Nation's Heroes and Heroines have endured while
ensuring our Freedom.  Whether it be during full out war, "peacetime",
serving as advisors, military action, or military operations our Nation's
service members have put their life on the line and signed that blank check
to all of us to secure our way of life ... your Freedoms, your Rights &
your Pursuit of Happiness.  It began as Armistice Day to honor those
sacrifices after World War I, but later became Veterans Day to honor ALL
  Take time this morning at a local parade for Veterans Day, visit a
Veterans Home, go to a Veterans Administration hospital or just while out
today, extend your hand and give a heartfelt THANK YOU to any veteran you
meet.  Make the time to listen to their story, if they are willing to tell
it.  Take a moment also to think about those who are STILL in harms way,
and are not able to celebrate this day on our soil.
  Every day, Patriot Guard Riders across this great Republic pay the honor,
respect, and dignity due to our Nation's Heroes/Heroines.  We don't do it
for the recognition or 'pats on the back', we all know it is what is
deserved and justified.  I personally am honored to be part of this
organization, and commend each of you for your commitment to continue
honoring our veterans daily!  Keep that undertaking close to heart and
usher in those who have the same call of duty.
  If you are also a veteran, I SALUTE you for serving before me, with me,
and those still serving!!!

Timothy N Smith
Master Sergeant, United States Air Force (Retired)
State Captain
Senior Ride Captain, Region 10
*Patriot Guard Riders of **Pennsylvania *
*"Our Flag does not fly of its own accord ... it flies as our Soldiers,
Marines, Sailors, Airmen & Coasties rush past to protect her!" ~Timothy N
Smith 2014*

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